Ford could fix school repair backlog today: FAO data

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The following statement is released in response to a new FAO report showing that 37.4 percent of Ontario’s schools are below a state of good repair, and the cost to bring all school buildings into a state of good repair is $6.5 billion.
“This government has left Ontarians to fend for themselves,” said Ontario Greens Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy.
“Greens will continue to stand up for better education funding that addresses the school repair backlog to ensure our kids are learning in safe, stable environments.”

Food bank use skyrockets; Ford is MIA

Monday, December 2, 2024

Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to the publication of Feed Ontario’s Hunger Report 2024.
“Food bank use is higher than it’s ever been, and this government doesn’t seem to care.
Over the past two years alone, the number of people using food banks in Ontario has jumped by 73 percent. Nearly one in four of those people have jobs. These are our friends and neighbours who have never had to rely on food banks in their lives until now.
We didn’t get here accidentally. This is a crisis that the government has created by failing to address the rising cost of food and rent. They could put an end to it today, but they’re choosing not to.
We need this government to reign in the soaring cost of basic necessities, especially homes and food,  and we need them to raise social assistance rates above the poverty line.
Greens will keep fighting for a province that puts people before profits.”

Statement on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Monday, November 25, 2024

Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy released the following statement to mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
“Today marks the start of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, an international campaign to reflect on the impact of gender-based violence in our communities and take action to put an end to it.
In Canada, more than one in three women have experienced intimate partner violence at some point in their lifetime.
Today, it’s vital that we listen to survivors and lift up the voices of women everywhere in our province. That’s especially true of the voices of women of colour, Indigenous women, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people, who are more likely to face gender-based violence in their lifetimes.
On the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, I’m calling on the Ford government to:

  • Pass legislation to declare Intimate Partner Violence an epidemic in Ontario
  • Adequately fund social supports for women who experience gender-based violence, including transitional housing
  • Strengthen tenant protections and increase the shelter allowance for those on social assistance so gender-diverse people are not trapped in dangerous living situations due to too-high housing costs
  • Address the systemic causes of gender-based inequality through policies like affordable childcare and economic advancement opportunities.

Greens stand with survivors of gender-based violence and commit to fighting for a world in which all women, girls and gender-diverse people can live in safety and in dignity.”

Surprise! Bike lanes help people get around

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Deputy Leader Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that a draft briefing prepared for the Ford government’s cabinet highlighted research that removing bike lanes could make traffic worse.
“This is exactly what we’ve come to expect from this Premier – ignore evidence and bulldoze through with his pet projects that make life in Ontario worse.
Every expert you talk to will tell you that bike lanes are good for our cities – good for helping people get around affordably, good for local businesses. But our Premier is more interested in dredging up a decade-old vendetta than doing something that would actually help people.
Now, we have taxpayers from all across the province on the hook to tear out Toronto’s bike lanes.
This government has no plan, and we’re the ones paying for it.”

Clancy calls out Ford government’s fuelling oil and gas greed

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

In today’s question period, Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy demanded the government put the people of Ontario before fossil fuel billionaires.
“Like many taxpayers, I’m tired of a government that continues to lie in bed with the oil and gas giants who are fuelling the climate crisis,” said Clancy. 
“This government overturned an Ontario Energy Board decision that would have saved consumers money because it was going to hurt Enbridge’s multi-billion dollar bottom line. It gives Enbridge a free ride to use our local land and infrastructure without paying anything, depriving us of money that could be used to build homes or schools.
“The result, speaker, is climate chaos. It’s making us sick, driving up the cost of living, and it’s forcing all of us and our kids into an unliveable future.
“Will the Premier stop with the sweetheart deals, do the right thing, and put the people of Ontario before fossil fuel billionaires?”
Leader Mike Schreiner recently tabled legislation to make fossil fuel giants like Enbridge pay their fair share, entitled the No Free Ride for Fossil Fuels Act.

“This is going to claim lives”: Clancy on SCTS ban

Monday, November 18, 2024

Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to the tabling of the Ford government’s proposed legislation that would ban the operation of supervised consumption and treatment sites in Ontario.
“This legislation is going to claim lives. It will lead to more public drug use, more infectious disease spread and more drug poisonings showing up in our ERs. It will make our communities less safe because as harm reduction spaces disappear, public drug use will only increase.
People are not going to stop using drugs simply because we take harm reduction services away from them. Ontario needs harm reduction and it needs supportive housing and it needs accessible treatment options for people in addictions recovery.
People who use drugs are members of our communities. Their lives matter, and the loss of SCTS just means more of them are going to be lost to fatal drug poisonings.
Once again, I call on the Premier and the Minister of Health to scrap this plan and properly invest in harm reduction as part of a comprehensive plan to provide low-barrier mental health and addictions care to every single Ontarian who needs it.

Doug Ford spending your money to rip out Toronto bike lanes

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to reports that the cost to remove Toronto bike lanes will be at least $48 million.
“How is it that this government can’t build homes or deliver a functioning healthcare system, but they seem to have limitless resources to rip out bike lanes in downtown Toronto?
This is not an appropriate use of taxpayer money. People who live in Huntsville, Sarnia, Kitchener, Thunder Bay – this is their money being used to tear out bike lanes in downtown Toronto.
If we want to solve our traffic problems, we need to give people more affordable choices in how they get around – like the choice to bike, walk or take public transit instead of being stuck in gridlock for hours on end.
This government clearly doesn’t have a plan – and Ontarians are the ones paying for it.”

Another highway that won’t help

Monday, October 28, 2024

Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that the Ford government has awarded a construction contract for the west section of the Bradford Bypass.
“Building the Bradford Bypass is not going to make life easier or more affordable for the people of Ontario.
What it will do is increase greed-fuelled sprawl, ramp up climate pollution and slice right through the Greenbelt – paving over some of the most fertile farmland in the entire country while locking commuters into endless gridlock.
This government does not have a serious plan to get Ontarians moving.
Our communities need two-way, all-day GO train and intercity bus service. They need more bike-share programs and e-bike infrastructure, and dedicated bike and transit lanes that help them get where they need to go safely. They need more affordable options for getting around – not another highway through the Greenbelt.”

More cars, more highways, more gridlock – Ford’s vision for Ontario

Monday, October 21, 2024

Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to the tabling of the Ford’s government’s proposed legislation to ban bike lanes and further accelerate the environmental assessment process on Highway 413.
“This government does not have a serious plan to get Ontarians moving.
Slashing environmental laws, ripping out bike lanes – none of these things are going to stop gridlock. They’re actually going to make it worse, because more highways and more cars on the road means more time spent sitting in traffic. 
Our communities need two-way, all-day GO train and intercity bus service. They need more bike-share programs and e-bike infrastructure, and dedicated bike and transit lanes that help them get where they need to go safely. They need more options for getting around – not another highway through the Greenbelt.”

Clancy co-sponsors bill to declare October 18 Persons Day

Friday, October 18, 2024

Leader Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to the Ford government’s proposed legislation to speed up construction of priority highways.
“This government will do anything but come up with a serious plan to reduce gridlock and get Ontarians moving.
Slashing environmental laws, paving over our Greenbelt – Ontarians have made it clear that they’re not okay with this. For the government to be trying it yet again with Highway 413 shows how they’ll do anything to help their inner circle over the people of this province. This expensive highway needs to be cancelled once and for all.
To solve our traffic problems, we need to give people more affordable choices for how they get around. Our communities need two-way, all-day GO train and intercity bus service. They need more bike-share programs and e-bike infrastructure, and dedicated bike and transit lanes that help them get where they need to go safely.
We also need to build communities that don’t require you to travel a great distance to get to work or school – by building more homes in existing neighbourhoods and especially around transit hubs.
These are the kinds of solutions we need from our government. The Ford government has shown that they’re not up to the challenge.

Ford government out of ideas to reduce gridlock

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Deputy Leader Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to the Ford government’s proposed legislation to speed up construction of priority highways.
“This government will do anything but come up with a serious plan to reduce gridlock and get Ontarians moving.
Slashing environmental laws, paving over our Greenbelt – Ontarians have made it clear that they’re not okay with this. For the government to be trying it yet again with Highway 413 shows how they’ll do anything to help their inner circle over the people of this province. This expensive highway needs to be cancelled once and for all.
To solve our traffic problems, we need to give people more affordable choices for how they get around. Our communities need two-way, all-day GO train and intercity bus service. They need more bike-share programs and e-bike infrastructure, and dedicated bike and transit lanes that help them get where they need to go safely.
We also need to build communities that don’t require you to travel a great distance to get to work or school – by building more homes in existing neighbourhoods and especially around transit hubs.
These are the kinds of solutions we need from our government. The Ford government has shown that they’re not up to the challenge.

Ontario Greens return to legislature with focus on housing, healthcare, climate justice

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

As the legislature returns, Ontario Greens are ready to deliver real change for Ontarians who have been abandoned by the Ford government, with a focus on housing, healthcare and oil and gas greed.
“Life in Ontario is hard, and it’s getting harder,” said Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner. “People can’t afford a place to live, and meanwhile this government has spent the summer getting beer into corner stores and talking about expensive tunnels that will never get built.”
“Housing is the number-one concern for so many Ontarians right now, and the Ford government has let them down.”
“Ontarians deserve a government that’s working for them, not for greedy corporations,” said Ontario Greens Deputy Leader Aislinn Clancy.
“Greens are in it for you. We’re ready to be your voice at Queen’s Park and deliver on more homes, better healthcare and real climate justice that puts people before profits.”
As MPPs return to Queen’s Park next week, Ontario Greens are prioritizing:

  • Bold solutions to bring down housing costs by legalizing more types of homes, protecting renters and getting back into the business of deeply affordable housing;
  • Stamping out oil and gas greed to get our province off fossil fuels and invest in cleaner, cheaper renewables; and
  • Fighting to save public healthcare, including low-barrier mental health and addictions care to everyone who needs it.

Is this government for real?

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Leader Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to the Ford government’s proposed legislation that would require municipalities to receive approval from the province before installing new bike lanes that would result in the removal of lanes for traffic.
“This announcement is just a distraction from a government that doesn’t have a serious solution to deal with gridlock.
The ‘evidence’ this government has based this decision off of is one man’s security camera outside his bar in Etobicoke. Is that how they make decisions for this province now?
What about the mountains of evidence collected by municipalities and the province itself showing that bike infrastructure does not make traffic worse
If we want to solve our traffic problems, we need to give people more choices – not take them away. More people biking, walking or taking public transit means more people not in cars and less gridlock. It means kids (like mine) can bike to school safely.
All the government is trying to do right now is distract from its horrible track record on everything from housing to healthcare to transit. This morning we learned that yet another LRT project – this time the Hurontario line in Mississauga – is mired in delays and legal battles. 
What this province needs is a real plan to tackle gridlock by investing in public transit and infrastructure that makes it easier to get around, and by building communities that don’t require you to sit in gridlock for hours on end to get where you need to go. The Ford government clearly doesn’t have that plan.”

Doug Ford putting Ontario up for sale

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to the release of the Ford government’s 95-year lease with Therme Canada.

“Missing from today’s announcement was any information about how much taxpayer money Doug Ford is spending to build 2,500 new parking spots for his Ontario Place megaspa.

 Once again, the government is hiding key facts from Ontarians, and we have questions.

Why 2,500 spots when the lease only requires 1,800? How many hundreds of millions of dollars are going to this parking garage instead of to housing or hospitals? Why are our taxpayer dollars footing the bill for yet another of the Premier’s multi-million-dollar giveaways?
If we want Ontario Place to remain an affordable place for all, we need to lead with public land in public hands.

Doug Ford is putting Ontario up for sale. It’s the worst deal ever.

Ontarians are going to keep fighting tooth and nail to stop the megaspa and keep Ontario Place public for many generations to come, and Greens will be right there with them.”

Higher speed limits won’t help cars sitting in gridlock

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to the Ford government’s repeated failure to provide transportation solutions Ontarians need.
“The Ford government doesn’t have a serious plan to make it easier for Ontarians to get around.
The Eglinton LRT looks like it won’t open until at least 2025, the Finch West LRT is now delayed too, and gridlock on the 401 has become so bad that it’s almost unbearable. If the Premier thinks increasing the speed limit on some sections of some highways is going to fix the problem, he just doesn’t get it.

To solve our traffic problems, we need to give people more affordable choices for how they get around – that’s how we reduce the amount of cars on the road. Our communities need two-way, all-day GO train and intercity bus service. They need more bike-share programs and e-bike infrastructure, and dedicated bike and transit lanes that help them get where they need to go safely.

We also need to build communities that don’t require you to travel a great distance to get to work or school – by building more homes in existing neighbourhoods and especially around transit hubs.

These are the kinds of solutions we need from our government – and if the Conservatives aren’t prepared to implement them, they need to get out of the way and let someone else do it.”

Statement on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Monday, September 30, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement marking the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

“The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is an important opportunity to confront Canada’s history of sustained and systemic violence against Indigenous peoples.
It’s a time to remember the parents, children, siblings and elders tragically lost to the horrendous acts of cultural genocide committed in government-sanctioned residential schools.
Reckoning with these truths is an important step to repairing their lasting damage. But our work does not stop there.
As government leaders, we have a responsibility to undertake the work of building respectful nation-to-nation relationships with Indigenous communities who are still fighting to protect their lives and livelihoods today.
To commit to clean water, honoured treaties and meaningful processes of cooperation, consultation and consent.
Ontario Greens are fully committed to implementing the provincial calls to action laid out in the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
We’ll continue to urge the Ford government to listen to the Indigenous leaders calling for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to be recognized as a provincial statutory holiday in Ontario.
May we all walk the path to reconciliation together with a commitment to respect and healing.”

Greens stand in solidarity with Grassy Narrows fight for justice

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to transportation minister Prabmeet Sarkaria’s claim that he has “100 percent confidence” in Metrolinx and the company building the Eglinton LRT.

“This government has broken Ontarians’ trust – and it’s going to take more than the Minister’s confidence to build it back.
The Eglinton Crosstown has been a decades-long blunder that has impacted thousands of residents and businesses and cost our province billions. Yet another example of the Ford government’s fiscal recklessness. 
For the Minister to say that he has 100 percent confidence in the companies that have repeatedly dropped the ball is completely at odds with what most Ontarians are feeling. Once again they are out of touch.
This government needs to step up with a credible plan to deliver major transit projects on time and on budget, including by stepping up oversight of Metrolinx and its million-dollar CEO.
They can start today by investing in all-day two-way go service on the Kitchener GO line, investing in intercity bus travel and committed to transit-oriented development so people can get where they need to go.”

Greens stand in solidarity with Grassy Narrows fight for justice

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement ahead of the third-annual Grassy Narrows River Run.

“Greens are proud to stand in solidarity with the people of Grassy Narrows and support their push to hold the province accountable for years of toxic mercury poisoning.
Successive provincial governments have ignored the devastating impact of mercury poisoning and left the people of Grassy Narrows waiting far too long for justice. It has jeopardized their health, livelihoods and treaty rights, and it’s long past time to restore justice to the community.
As we join the march to Queen’s Park Today, Greens echo the calls of the Grassy Narrows community to:

  • Fairly compensate Grassy Narrows for the ongoing mercury poisoning crisis
  • End all industrial threats to Grassy Narrows; and
  • Support the people of Grassy Narrows in restoring their way of life and wellness from the damage that mercury poisoning has caused.”

Clancy will attend the River Run and be available for comment. Contact Cecilia Stuart to arrange an interview.

Ford government reaches new low with “market-rate” childcare rents

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that the Ford government will begin charging childcare centres in government buildings “full market-rate rents” beginning next year.

“Every time you think this government has gone as low as it can go, it somehow finds a way to go even lower.
Regardless of changes to federal funding, for the Conservatives to treat affordable childcare centres as their latest cash cow is just cold. It’s creating confusion and fear among affected providers who are facing rent increases of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Where most people would see an opportunity to support a sector that’s essential to our communities, the Ford government only sees dollar signs.
It’s appalling, and I urge the government to act less like an unscrupulous landlord and more like an actual partner.”

People power delays Ontario Place destruction

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that the Ontario Place Protectors coalition has successfully halted the further demolition of trees, shrubs or buildings at Ontario Place until its case is heard by Ontario’s Superior Court on July 19.

“This is a milestone in the fight to save Ontario Place, and an important reminder that people power works.
Ontarians are going to keep fighting tooth and nail to stop the megaspa and keep Ontario Place public for many generations to come, and Greens will be right there with them.
People power won us the Greenbelt, and it’s going to win us Ontario Place.”

Doug Ford’s Science Centre scheme just got worse

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that a proposed temporary Science Centre wouldn’t open until January 2026.

“Eighteen months without a Science Centre is not an option Ontarians will accept.
When the Premier needs hundreds of millions of dollars to get beer into corner stores ahead of schedule, he has no problem finding it.

When kids and families are facing the loss of a treasured educational and community hub, he’s nowhere to be found. If the Premier was truly for the people, he would commit to reopening, repairing and restoring the Science Centre so it can continue to inspire young minds for years to come.
In the meantime, we’ll keep fighting.”

Ford government out of excuses for OSC closure

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to continued advocacy to reopen the Ontario Science Centre.

“The Premier is out of excuses for his sudden Science Centre closure, and he knows it. Ontarians aren’t stupid. We can all see that this is just an attempt to justify this government’s Ontario Place takeover, and we are all outraged.

If the Premier was truly for the people, he would commit to reopening, repairing and restoring the Science Centre so it can continue to inspire young minds for years to come.

His government already has dozens of backtracks under its belt – why not one more?”

So much for Ford’s Science Centre jobs promise

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that more than 50 food service workers will be laid off from the Ontario Science Centre over the next few days.

“This is exactly what we’ve feared would happen all along.

Remember last year, when the Premier reassured us that workers at the current Science Centre would keep their jobs regardless of his disastrous relocation scheme? So much for that.

This is a classic move out of the Conservative playbook: delay repairs, disregard the public good and disrespect the workers who show up every day to serve the people of Ontario.

The Premier just doesn’t get it, and Ontarians won’t stand for it. We’re going to keep fighting to repair and reopen the Science Centre so it can continue to provide jobs, programming and lifelong memories for the people of Don Valley and Ontario as a whole.”

Ontario Line budget ballooning by billions

Friday, June 21, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that the projected cost to build the Ontario Line subway has increased to $27.2 billion.

“This is a government that’s allergic to accountability. For years, the Conservatives have refused to take responsibility for the ballooning costs and timeline of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT. Now, we’re seeing the same thing happen with the Ontario Line. Estimated construction costs have nearly tripled since the Ford government’s initial announcement. When is this going to end? The Premier needs to step up with a credible plan to deliver major transit projects on time and on budget, including by stepping up oversight of Metrolinx and its million-dollar CEO.”

Ontarians are hotter than ever. Does Doug Ford care?

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to the ongoing heat warning covering much of Ontario.

“As extreme heat warnings continue across the province, the Ford government’s silence is louder than ever.
Ontarians are not okay right now. I’ve heard stories from teachers in my riding of classroom temperatures surpassing 30 degrees. Parents are keeping their children home from school over concerns about their health.
Meanwhile, renters are sweltering in apartments without air conditioning and workers do not have reliable access to on-the-job cooling.
Greens have repeatedly called for an extreme heat preparedness plan that includes mandating maximum temperatures in all rental households, ensuring mandatory access to reliable cooling congregate settings, increasing access to cooling centres and strengthening worker protections.
People all across the province are hurting, and this government just doesn’t get it. It’s time for the Premier to step up with a serious plan to keep our communities safe.”

As classroom temperatures soar, Greens re-up call for extreme heat plan

Monday, June 17, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to the extreme heat wave expected across Ontario this week.
“The Ford government’s failures to protect our kids from the dangers of extreme heat isn’t just irresponsible – it’s downright dangerous.
This week, temperatures across Ontario are expected to reach the high thirties to low forties. For our schools without air conditioning, that means classrooms will be just as hot.
This lack of access to cooling is dangerous for staff and students alike. It interferes with our kids’ wellbeing and learning, and creates extreme risks for those with pre-existing health conditions. 
Once again, Greens reaffirm our call for the Ford government to implement an extreme heat preparedness plan that protects our kids and from the dangers of these rising temperatures by implementing mandatory air conditioning in all schools.”

Education workers sounding the alarm over rising workplace violence

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to new survey data released by OSSTF/FEESO showing that an overwhelming majority of members have seen a rise in incidents of violence in Ontario schools.
“Anyone who has spent time in our classrooms knows that we are in a crisis situation. 
Imagine going to work every day worried that you’ll be hit, kicked or threatened. Or having to take time off due to a concussion, mental health concern or other injury sustained at work. There has been an alarming rise in violence in our classrooms, and we must take action now.
Education workers deserve to feel safe in their workplace. Kids deserve to learn in a safe, stable environment that supports their healthy development.
Greens echo OSSTF/FEESO’s call for an emergency plan to address the alarming rise of violence in our schools that is harming education workers and kids alike.”

Greens support Grassy Narrows fight for justice

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that Grassy Narrows First Nation has filed a lawsuit against the provincial and federal governments over mercury contamination in the English-Wabigoon River system.
“Greens fully support Grassy Narrows’ push to hold the provincial government accountable for years of toxic mercury poisoning that have jeopardized its people’s health, livelihoods and treaty rights.
Successive provincial governments have ignored the devastating impact of mercury poisoning and left the people of Grassy Narrows waiting far too long for justice. 
I call on the Premier to stop dragging his feet, remove mercury from the river and put an end to the poisoning that Grassy Narrows is facing.”

Ford government’s underfunding education hurting students with special needs

Monday, June 3, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to a new report showing that schools experiencing shortages of educational assistants were more likely to recommend students with special needs stay home.

“The Ford government’s chronic underfunding of our education system is hurting kids with special needs.

No child should have to stay home because their school doesn’t have the necessary resources to support them.

Our teachers and education workers have been starved for resources for years, and now we’ve reached a tipping point.
Greens call on the Ford government to increase public education funding to hire and retain EAs so that every child in Ontario can feel safe, happy and supported at school.

Ontario school boards standing up to social media giants

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that five more Ontario school boards and two private schools have joined lawsuits against social media giants Snapchat, TikTok and Meta alleging that their platforms interfere with students’ learning and mental health. “The Ford government should be doing more to support our educators in their attempts to protect students and foster a healthier learning environment, that includes holding social media giants accountable for the effects that their addiction-causing technologies are having on our kids’ education.”

Ford government failing to listen to Ontario teachers

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has launched a labour board complaint over the Ford government’s recent program and policy memorandum.
“Ontario’s ministry of education has a responsibility to work with our teachers’ unions to ensure that its policy decisions meet the needs of students and staff alike.
ETFO members have been sounding the alarm about increasing violence in our schools for years now, and the Ford government’s most recent memo should have done more to take their concerns into account.
I urge the government to work in partnership with our teachers’ unions to ensure that our education programs and policies do not leave our kids, teachers or parents behind.”

Ford’s housing plan is a disaster – and these numbers prove it

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

After five years of dithering, scandal and flip-flops, the new figures on housing starts are conclusive proof that the Ford government has no clue how to solve the housing crisis.
Instead of bold leadership and innovative housing policies, we’re getting more half-measures that have no hope of meeting the target of 1.5 million homes by 2030.
The shocking new figures – housing starts last month down a disastrous 37 percent on last year making it the worst April since 2018 – should be a wake-up call for a government more focused on wealthy speculators than building homes people can afford in the communities they love.
Greens once again call on the Ford government to implement the bold housing solutions we have been putting forward for years, including:

  • Legalizing gentle density by allowing fourplexes and four-story apartments in all neighbourhoods, and six to 11 stories on major streets;
  • Protecting renters by reimplementing rent and vacancy control and cracking down on illegal evictions;
  • Building hundreds of thousands affordable and supportive community rental homes; and
  • Getting speculation out of the housing market.

New funding formula must ensure long-term sustainability of $10-a-day childcare

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Ontario families and caregivers need better access to reliable, affordable childcare.
I’m glad to hear that the Ford government will implement a new funding formula to address the shortfalls many childcare providers are currently facing under the $10-a-day model.
But I urge the government to expedite the process so that childcare providers, caregivers and families aren’t left waiting for the cost savings, and stability, that they desperately need.
A revised funding formula must ensure the long-term sustainability of the $10-a-day program. I encourage the government to work with providers to ensure that the revised funding model adequately addresses the operational risks the sector is currently facing and provides pay equity for childcare workers.

Keffiyeh ban has no place within the Ontario Legislature

Monday, May 6, 2024

Aislinn’s statement after walking out of question period in solidarity with other MPPs who were removed from the Legislative chamber for wearing a keffiyeh.
“I walked out of question period today because I oppose the ban on the keffiyeh, which is still being upheld within the legislative chamber.
Discrimination against any cultural group has no place within those walls.
I stand in solidarity with all those working to uphold the right of all people, including Palestinians, to wear their cultural dress within the Ontario Legislature.”

Doug Ford bulldozing his way across Ontario

Thursday, April 30, 2024

Highway 413 is an environmental wrecking ball that’s going to pave over 2,000 acres of prime farmland, including 400 acres of the Greenbelt – all to save commuters a mere 30 seconds.
Notably missing from today’s announcement was a clear answer on how many taxpayer dollars are going to be spent to build this sprawl supercharger – estimated to be at least $10 billion.
If the Greenbelt scandal has taught us anything, it’s to not trust Ford government deals that line the pockets of wealthy landowners.
Ontario Greens will keep fighting to stop Highway 413 and put forward real housing solutions that protect our farms, forests and wetlands from costly sprawl.

Ford government concealing extent of healthcare crisis

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The government’s desperation to hide the extent of its healthcare staffing shortages just goes to show how bad the crisis has become.
For years, the Conservatives have starved our healthcare system to the point of collapse. Now, instead of trying to repair that damage and improve healthcare outcomes across the province, they’re more preoccupied with covering their tracks.
It’s time for the government to clean up its mess and repair the damage it has caused – starting by:

  • Immediately halting the privatization of our public healthcare system;
  • Implementing a worker retention strategy that includes permanent raises and better benefits and working conditions for all healthcare workers; and
  • Properly funding all healthcare sectors – primary care, long-term care, home and community care, mental healthcare and hospital care – to bring our per-capita healthcare funding up to national standards.

On Earth Day, Greens renew demand for climate action

Monday, April 22, 2024

Ontario needs honest, ambitious climate action now.
Fortunately, we have no shortage of affordable solutions that can crush climate pollution while putting money back in people’s pockets through savings on household energy, transportation and transit.
But the Ford government is asleep at the wheel. They’re still pouring money into fossil gas plants, paving over farmland and standing by while millions of acres of forest are lost to record-breaking wildfires.
We can’t let this be our status quo.
The climate crisis has given us an opportunity to embrace a future where we take care of each other and the planet.
But we must act on these solutions now, not five years from now, and certainly not decades into the future.
So this Earth Day, let’s make choices that build a stronger, safer, more affordable tomorrow.
Ontario Greens are ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work.

Province must shut down chemical plant endangering Aamjiwnaang First Nation

Friday, April 19, 2024

No one in Ontario should be subjected to the kind of toxic air contamination that has become day-to-day life for the residents of the Aamjiwnaang First Nation.

For far too long, Liberal and Conservative governments have allowed manufacturers in Chemical Valley to pump out toxic air contaminants that pose serious health risks to the surrounding communities.
Allowing this kind of environmental racism to persist in our province is absolutely shameful, and it must come to an end today.
The Ford government must respond to the Aamjiwnaang First Nation’s concerns immediately – not with more studies or reports, but with firm action to close the INEOS Styrolution plant.

Greens stand with farmers fighting to preserve prime Wilmot farmland

Friday, April 19, 2024

Ontario Greens stand with the many farmers and community advocates calling on the Ford government and the Waterloo Region to preserve the 770 acres of prime farmland that are currently at risk of expropriation.
It’s clear that there needs to be adequate consultation with the farmers and community members who are affected by the Region’s decision.
The province and Waterloo Region must work with the local community to find a more suitable development location that does not jeopardize our vital food and farming economy.

Greens recognize the importance of protecting our region’s countryside line and stopping the destruction of precious prime farmland.

Our province is already losing 319 acres of farmland every single day to development. Once that land is gone, it’s gone forever.

Greens will continue working across party lines to fight back against forced boundary expansions and protect prime farmland for generations to come.

Bill 166 could limit academic freedom

Thursday, April 18, 2024

As Bill 166 makes its way through committee, I have grown increasingly concerned about sections in the bill that give the Minister of Colleges and Universities powers that could threaten our postsecondary institutions’ right to freedom from political interference.
During public hearings, stakeholders have voiced concerns not only about a lack of adequate consultation prior to the bill’s tabling, but also that such ministerial powers could be used to penalize students who speak out about the war in Gaza, share pro-Palestinian sentiments or critique the State of Israel’s violence toward Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
I am concerned that the powers laid out in this bill could give the Minister of Colleges and Universities the power to limit the sharing of these views and silence pro-Palestinian advocacy.
My heart goes out to the many students whose feelings of safety and ability to focus on their studies are being compromised by increased acts of anti-Palestinian, Islamophobic and antisemitic hate on postsecondary campuses.
I will be putting forward amendments to this bill to ensure that post-secondary students are protected from all forms of hate, including antisemitism, Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian racism, without infringing on their Charter right to free speech.
I also encourage the government to support anti-racism initiatives by properly funding our colleges and universities, rather than increasing reporting requirements without additional financial supports. This would allow our colleges and universities to invest in appropriate training and resources that promote safe and inclusive learning environments for all.

Conservatives misleading Ontarians on rising gas prices

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Ford government has spent months deliberately misleading Ontarians about the real reason for rising gas prices, which jumped by 14 cents at many stations across the GTA last night.
Let’s be crystal clear – the increase in gas prices is a result of oil and gas giants’ greed.

In 2022, when the federal price on carbon increased gas prices by 2 cents per litre, fossil fuel giants raised their prices by 18 cents per litre. 
While ordinary Ontarians are struggling to get by, these corporations are cashing in – in 2022, Canada’s five biggest fossil fuel giants made over $38 billion in profit.

If the Ford government wanted to help Ontarians save money on energy, it could do so today by putting forward a climate affordability plan that slashes emissions while putting money back in people’s pockets through savings on household energy, transportation and transit.

But instead of taking action, the government continues to play petty politics and mislead the public so their billionaire buddies can rake in record profits.

Overuse of AGIs is costing Ontarians their homes

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The overuse of AGIs in Ontario is costing people their homes.
With increasing frequency, renters are being displaced from their affordably priced rentals by bad-acting landlords in pursuit of higher profits.
Many of these renters are seniors on fixed incomes, young people starting out, single parents, folks on ODSP – people who can’t afford to just pick up and move.
This is exactly why I put forward legislation asking the Ford government to investigate the growing overuse of AGIs in Ontario.

Greens will keep fighting to strengthen protections for renters and say yes to keeping people house

Equal Pay Day

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Every year, we mark Equal Pay Day to call attention to the fact that women in Ontario earn just 87 cents for every dollar earned by men. In the case of racialized, Indigenous, 2SLGBTQ+ and disabled women, that gap is even wider.

Despite this disparity, one of the first things the Ford government did after taking office was repeal the Pay Transparency Act, a vital tool for addressing the gender pay gap in this province.

It also rammed through the wage-capping Bill 124, which disproportionately affected workers in women-led sectors like healthcare, education and childcare.

 This government’s track record is harmful to women across this province, and it sets all of us back in our attempts to build a more equitable and caring society.

On Equal Pay Day, I’m calling on the Premier to get serious about closing the gender wage gap by reinstating the Pay Transparency Act and committing to treating all public-sector workers with respect, dignity and fairness.

Premier’s GO pledge leaves Kitchener behind

Monday, April 15, 2024

How is it that out of the hundreds of trips being added to the weekly GO schedule, none of them are going to bring relief to residents of Kitchener, Georgetown, Acton and Guelph who have been underserved for years?

The time for all-day, two-way go on the Kitchener line was 10 years ago. Already, the GO buses that run between Kitchener and Bramalea are so popular that they regularly fill up and have to leave people behind on the platform.

Our residents need fast, reliable transit options that get them where they need to go. Reliable transit is a must if we want to unlock the economic potential of the Toronto-Kitchener innovation corridor, reduce gridlock and put an end to soul-crushing commutes. How many more decades are our communities going to be left waiting?

Greens will keep fighting to stop the 413

Monday, April 15, 2024

Despite this disappointing news, Ontario Greens will keep fighting to stop Highway 413 and put forward real housing solutions that protect our farms, forests and wetlands from costly sprawl.
Highway 413 is a sprawl supercharger that will cost Ontarians at least $10 billion and pave over 2,000 acres of prime farmland – all to save commuters a few extra seconds. Once that land is gone, it’s gone for good.
By subsidizing tolls for trucks on Highway 407 instead, the Ford government could reduce congestion today and create $6 billion in savings.
Greens call on the Ford government to get serious about Ontario’s future, abandon this environmental wrecking ball and start building homes Ontarians can afford in communities they already spend their time in.

Dresden landfill: an environmental hazard

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The landfill and recycling site being proposed in Dresden is a massive environmental hazard that cannot be allowed to proceed.

The proposed site has a direct connection to the Sydenham River, which is home to over 33 species at risk. For one of them – the Salamander mussel – it’s the only known habitat to exist in Canada.

But all of those species, their habitats and the region’s biodiversity are at risk of disappearing if toxic runoff from the landfill contaminates the river.

Dresden residents have been crystal-clear on this matter. They want their agricultural land and waterways protected from environmental hazards – but the Ford government isn’t listening.

Ontario Greens call on the Ford government to reject YORK1’s application and commit to protecting the long-term health of Sydenham River and the communities surrounding it.

Ceasefire in Gaza

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

As a former counsellor at the Canadian Center for Victims of Torture, I spent years helping refugees and people fleeing war and oppression to establish themselves and heal from their trauma. So I have a deep compassion for all those who are in harm’s way in other countries and deep concern for how it affects people here in Kitchener and across Canada.

Once again, I call on the federal government to speak out for a lasting ceasefire, the safe return of all hostages and the unobstructed delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

As an MPP, I will work every night and day to build bridges of trust and solidarity within our local communities so that every resident can be safe from hate. I strongly denounce Islamophobia, antisemitism and hate in all its forms.


MPP for Kitchener Centre introduces first private member’s bill that aims to protect Ontario renters

March 6, 2024 | In CityNews

MPP for Kitchener Centre fighting for more GO service

March 12, 2024 | In CityNews

Clancy: GO expansion leaves Kitchener behind

March 12, 2024 | In Green Party of Ontario
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